I love the Seattle Mystery Bookshop. Wow--I almost totally forgot to sign books because I was too busy browsing titles. If there's a mystery afoot, Seattle Mystery has it or they know exactly where you can get it. Or they'll get it for you. Or they'll probably find someone to write it and get it published so they can order it for you. I write New Mexico-based mysteries, which seems a place that people like to read about. I love writing about it (which works out), so if you've got a hankering for high desert hijinks with a little bit of angst, maybe take a little trip with me and mine. Many thanks to the wonderful folks at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop for giving me a place to sign and chat with folks and many thanks to the folks who ordered and those who stopped by and thanks to my fellow author Joan Opyr for hanging out with me, as well. Happy reading!