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September 14, 2010


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Amazing site! i really like the information here.

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Nice, and thanks for sharing this info with us.Good Luck!

Lynne Fort

Moved away from Houston & just learned of David's death - he helped me many times in years past to find books he thought I'd enjoy - I'll never forget him and his kindness to me.

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Lovely couple. Very smart!

ffxiv gil

Thank you all for sharing bits of how he touched your lives. I am truly amazed at the global reaction his passing has caused. Thank you again for your prayers and kind words.

Zoë Sharp

David was the most enthusiastic friend - and publisher - a mystery writer could ever hope to have. I shall cling to the good memories.

The world is a poorer place without him.


Dave is my brother. Thank you all for sharing bits of how he touched your lives. I am truly amazed at the global reaction his passing has caused. Thank you again for your prayers and kind words.

Sandie Herron

I don't know that the cause of death is official as yet, altho they do suspect a massive heart attack. It must have been big to fell such a wholeheartedly wonderful young man. Dave's mom and McKenna, please accept our sincerest sympathies. We will continue David's legacies.


So, so sad. Hard to believe. We were going to have dinner with David and McKenna


Lou Boxer

David was my friend and teacher in the world of Mystery. My heart is broken and I am at a loss for words for someone taken so early in his life. My thoughts are with David's family and friends.

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