Last night, the Best Animated Short went to a debut film from Moonbot Studios out of Shreveport, Louisiana. Take a moment, settle in with a favorite beverage and enjoy this 15 minute story of a love affair with books.
Fran here with an observation: I think one of the things I love about printed books as opposed to digital ones is that even though the words are the same in both, computer bytes seem to me to be transitory, ephemeral, whereas ink on paper seems more permanent, more solid. Actual physical books are not just works of art, they're friends. I think that's why this film resonates so deeply with me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Oh, this made me cry! What a poignant expression of our love and need for printed books.
Posted by: Bernadette Pajer | February 27, 2012 at 12:43 PM