We're excited that Greg Rucka will be here again to sign. Tomorrow he'll be signing his new thriller Alpha.
There have been a number of on-line pieces about him or interviews. Here are the best:
"Why I Write Strong Female Characters"
Mulholland Books posted a two-part interview with Greg:
Their "Weekly Lineup" includes a number of links to Rucka-related material.
JB's a long-time fan. Here's his write-up from our March 22nd newzine:
Greg Rucka’s Alpha is an E ticket ride.
You remember those? They were the tickets you needed to go on the best, more exciting rides at Disneyland. Which is appropriate, as Alpha tells the story of a terrorist attack on a massive theme park in Southern California.
Jad Bell - a Master Sergeant in the Delta Force - is the new deputy security director of Wilsonville, a rival to Disney as a media empire with characters, rides, gift shops and family fun. Bell’s not sure why he’s been sent undercover but it is all clear soon enough. The park is captured by terrorists, visitors are taken hostage and threats of a dirty bomb are made. The leader of the terrorists is a sleeper agent who reports back to an Uzbek who then reports to a commander who is never identified. We really never do know who is doing this or who the commander is, but you get the idea that a series could be built around the hunt for the master villain – and I’ll happily follow it.
I’ve been a huge fan of Greg’s books for years, both the series with bodyguard Atticus Kodiak and MI6 agent Tara Chase. Greg knows his way around tactics, weaponry, firefights, fear and determination. All of those come into play as the two sides work their ways through the parks trails, tunnels and storefronts. The pace is furious, the action unyielding, the actors full-bodied and the plot twists ingenious.
If you like Lee Child or Stephen Hunter, this is for you.
Here’s hoping there’re many more Jad Bell thrillers. Come in and meet Greg. He’ll be here on Thurs, May 24 at noon to sign Alpha (Mulholland hc, $24.99). He’s a really nice guy and a hellova writer.
’ve been a huge fan of Greg’s books for years, both the series with bodyguard Atticus Kodiak and MI6 agent Tara Chase. Greg knows his way around tactics, weaponry, firefights, fear and determination. All of those come into play as the two sides work their ways through the parks trails, tunnels and storefronts.
Posted by: replica watches | August 23, 2012 at 09:40 PM