It's a beautiful day in Seattle. I'm visting the city's premier bookstore to promote my latest stand-alone, THE INNOCENCE GAME. It's about three grad students at Northwestern who, as part of a class assignment, reopen a death penalty case the Chicago PD would prefer remain undisturbed. Quick tip for would-be gumshoes: if you're investigating cops (especially Chicago cops) you suspect might be framing people for murder, be careful you don't wind up getting framed yourself.
On a serious note, there are pieces of this novel that are taken from real-life capital cases I've worked as a journalist. Check out the case of Odell Barnes on-line. He was executed by the state of Texas in 2000 and has his own Wikipedia page. If you read about Odell and read INNOCENCE, you'll see the connection...and wonder if, in real life, Texas didn't execute an innocent man.
Hope you get a chance to check out my latest and visit me as