There is a fantastic feature on our webiste which allows you to help along your holiday gift-giver, by letting them know exactly what you want.
At the same time, you are making their lives a little bit easier, as they can order directly from us!
What is it you ask?
Wish List
Here's how it works:
1. First you must log in, or if you never have before you must create a new account through our website, click here
- You start on the log-in screen.
- If you need to make a new account, you click on the create new account tab and go to the screen below this one.
Create New Account Screen:
2. After that you look for a book you want and instead of hitting the "Add to cart" button, you press the "Add to wish list" button.
3. Then you see this screen:
This is where you can name your wish list, and put your name on it, so when you send it out people know who it is from. For example, you can name your list "Gifts from Santa" or "Zanthia's Wish List" (provided your name is Zanthia, of course).
From here you can either search for another book or send the list out to your family and friends. So you would open the next menu down on this screen- e-mail your wish list:
Plug in the e-mail address and send it off!
4. This is the text it sends, and link in the e-mail sends them right to our website, no muss no fuss. They can order the books directly from us!
5. Should you ever need to modify or create a new Wish List you simply log back in by clicking on My Account:
That's it! Easy peasy!
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us. In the meantime, may all your wishes come true!