Why is it each time I head back to Seattle Mystery Bookshop I feel as if I’m coming home? I mean I’m a native Pittsburgher, from Steeler not Seahawk country, now living on a Greek island, and yet there I am each year, looking forward to Pioneer Square, the potentially damp chill in the air, the Pioneer Square Hotel with the look and feel of the town’s gold-rush days—or being Seattle more likely its coffee-rush days. I wish I knew why; I wish I had answers to a lot of whys. Perhaps that’s why I buy another of SMB’s “?” hats every time I’m there. The bookshop just draws me in and makes me want to be part of it. And I wear the hat proudly on Mykonos where “?” succinctly sums up just about everything happening in Greece these days. I think that if I keep wearing the hat and keep my mouth shut I may soon be regarded as the Chauncey Gardner of Mykonos, if not Greece. Thank you JB, Adele, and Fran for always making me feel I’m home, and yet never asking me to take out the garbage. By the way, JB, mind if I call you “Mom?”