I grew up in what is now the Northern California Wine Country. Back then it was pretty much apples, pears and cows. Pretty amazing what a lot of folks with a lot of money and a yen to see their names on wine labels can do to the countryside.
Not all bad. Not all good. Just Different. But some things never change -- small towns are still filled with secrets.
2. You have written so many books over the years, do you have a favorite?
My favorite book is always the book I'm working on at the moment. I never look back. Once the story is told, it's done and I'm ready for a new one.
3. Do you have a book or a character you regret ever got published?
Oh, sure. But you learn from every book. The thing about writing is that it's a self-taught craft.
4. Is there any type of book or plot line you refuse to write?
I never do books that feature kids as victims of serious crimes. I can't go there in my head.
5. Is there a book/author that has influenced your writing or you as a writer?
Nancy Drew.
6. What are you reading right now?
I'm reading Gregg Hurwitz's TELL NO LIES.
7. What is your guilty pleasure reading?
Reading is never a guilty pleasure.
It's either a pleasure or it's not, in which case I close the book and pick up another one.
8. Do you have a bad book habit? Dog earring pages, writing in the margins, cheating (reading the ending before you get there) or some other bad habit?
I always read the ending before I get there.
Life is too short to spend any time reading books that end badly.
9. Any final words?
Looking forward to signing RIVER ROAD at Seattle Mystery Bookshop on Tuesday, Jan. 7!!!
(SMB Here: Don't forget to reserve your copy! Click on the cover art above, to go to our website!)