1. Setting: Side hill down to Pioneer Square in the oldest most historic part of Seattle: Red brick, and quarried stone, sea gulls pinwheeling over the waterfront, and ships coming and going carrying cargo.
2. Character: Character: the staff at this store Starting with J.B. and Adele are true afficianadoes in the bullfighting sense of the word I suppose. It's what makes going to a book shop so far superior to buying on line. Talking to someone who has read a book gives you a sense of whether you are going to like a book or not. You can read it in their face and their body language when they tell you about it with they say a book is, "Okay" or "Fine" you will know.
3. Plot: They treat you great here. Always. I've never had a bad experiance. But it is never what I expect, I always come out with something unexpected but it alwawy turns out good. Every time.
Seattle Mystery Books is a "Must See" when in Seattle. Not far from the Public Market and the Art Museum. Not far from the Sea Hawks. You have no excuse not to stop by.
Highly reccomended, for all Alaskans, all earthlings.