From the back of the shop, standing next to the Urban Fantasy, the top shot looks up the long wall toward where the alphabet starts (yes, we're continuing our tradition of beginning with A).
Next to the As is the "Bill Wall" - photos of our Glorious Leader (Bill Farley, founder of the shop) and his family's embalmer's license.
Bottom shot is over the front counter and into that corner...
Which brings us back to where we began at the front of the shop.
One last photo, through the 'pass through' - the calendar of upcoming author events, hanging over a little lamp that we've never before found a use for. Now it lights the way for us to find the light switches in the morning.
Fitting - a little light to show the way, backward in distance and backwards in time, back to where the shop first started, in July of 1990.
As more than one person has commented this week - we're proof that you can go home again!
photos © Jake Dickey