Miranda Corbie, a private investigator working in the heart of 1940s San Francisco, is bringing this chapter of her life to a close before embarking on a journey to England to find her mother, despite the escalating conflict across Europe. But before she can finally settle her plans to leave, Louise Crowley, a young woman who works upstairs for a publisher in Miranda’s office building, walks into Miranda’s office.
Louise is newly arrived in San Francisco from a small town in Washington state, and she’s frightened—she believes someone is trying to kill her. Against her better judgment, Miranda agrees to take Louise on as a client. But soon, the publisher Louise works for is murdered, and it starts to look like the threats against Louise may have been part of a larger plan—or that Louise herself may have been involved in the murder.
A New Carpenter & Quincannon Mystery!
A conman always has a bag of tricks, ready to fool the unsuspecting, and almost everyone is unsuspecting until they get taken. When that happens, they turn to Carpenter and Quincannon, Professional Detective Services, to recover their money and what’s left of their dignity, and perhaps even to save their lives.
When one such case leaves Sabina Carpenter the only witness to a murder, the family of the culprit vows to stop at nothing to keep her silent. The threat leaves John Quincannon deeply concerned for Sabina’s safety, but there’s no rest for the wicked and so the crime-solving duo must split up to tackle two separate con games, run by two villains with deadly bags of tricks at hand.
And when Sabina’s life is put in danger, John must rush to save her while grappling with the terrifying realization of exactly how much she means to him.