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September 18, 2017



JB, so sorry to lose Seattle Mystery Bookstore. I always enjoyed seeing everyone in the shop when we ventured into Seattle. Between Pioneer Square and its issues, Seattle war on cars making parking an endurance test, and the increasing traffic, our visits became too infrequent. Thank you for your excellent newsletters and knowledge. You will be missed. Good luck in whatever future endeavours you pursue.

Vicki Hendricks

So sorry to hear. Your excellent article explains it well for so many independent stores. You gave it your best, and I cannot agree that you were ever a curmudgeon! I enjoyed visiting every chance I had to get to Seattle. Thank you for those great years of bookselling.


You fought a good fight. I am sorry you feel that you failed anyone. It's pretty clear that these are forces beyond the control of any one person.


JB, I'm so sorry that this is happening. I went through much the same before we closed Creatures 'n Crooks Bookshoppe in Richmond, VA, 8 years ago and all the factors you've pointed out existed then too except that ebooks were just beginning their assault. We, too, tried various methods to save ourselves---among other efforts, we had an author-driven benefit that certainly helped and I'm still ever so grateful but it only helped for a little while. Bottomline, all the different economic stresses became insurmountable and we had to give in. The sorrow has never gone away.

Best wishes to you and your employees in the future, whatever that might be.

Lelia Taylor
Creatures 'n Crooks / Buried Under Books

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